give an orca the gift of silence
The southern resident killer whale (orca) is one of Canada's most iconic marine mammals. It is also culturally significant to many First Nations communities off the coast of British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest. While this population ranges from California to Southern Alaska, its critical habitat is found in the Salish Sea and the outer coast of Vancouver Island.
Southern residents are highly sociable animals that form family-related groups called pods. They have distinct black and white markings and can be individually identified based on a unique dorsal fin and saddle patch.
With only 71 individuals left in the wild, the southern resident orca is listed as Endangered under Canada's Species at Risk Act. Food shortages and marine traffic disturbances like underwater noise continue to threaten their survival and ability to recover. It is the actions now that will determine if the southern resident population can rebuild or continue towards extinction.
With your gift of $45.00, you will be helping WWF-Canada's efforts to rebuild the southern resident orca population.
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