keep a river otter's home clean

Prix de vente$30.00

The North American river otter is a semi-aquatic mammal found in rivers, lakes, swamps and estuaries. This playful species has a long, strong tail that is used as a rudder and thick, protective fur that allows it to swim in cold waters. The river otter can also hold its breath underwater for as long as eight minutes!

In the 19th and 20th centuries, North American river otters were hunted for their fur and extirpated from many areas across their range. Conservation efforts have helped recover populations of the river otter, but habitat loss and water pollution still pose threats to their survival.

With your gift of $30.00, you will be helping WWF-Canada's efforts to safeguard the health of Canada's freshwater habitats for the river otter.


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Le montant reçu aux fins d'impôt: $30.00

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