Grey wolf adoption card

Prix de vente$25.00

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Symbolically adopt a grey wolf. This card will help this majestic pack animal and species across Canada thrive.

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Le montant reçu aux fins d'impôt: $25.00

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Longueur maximale de l’expéditeur.rice et la destinataire de 30 caractères. Longueur maximale du message personnel de 150 caractères. Le message personnel apparaitra dans le courriel seulement. Pour un certificat vierge, laissez les champs de nom vides.

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Grey wolves have long legs that are well adapted to running, allowing them to move fast and travel far in search of food, and large skulls and jaws that are well suited to catching and feeding on large mammals.

Once the world's most widely distributed mammal, whose howl could be heard for kilometres through forests and tundra, the grey wolf has become eradicated across much of its former range.

With your symbolic adoption, you're helping WWF-Canada project the important habitat of this loyal pack hunter and other Canadian species.


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